Friday, September 22, 2017

Classroom Management

Since I am a fairly new teacher, I have been trying to get my classroom management down to a science. I have tried things and stuck with things but am still trying to get new and useful ideas on classroom management. I've taken the college courses and read all of the books but they are not useful to me. Being in the environment and getting to know your kids is when you see what works and what doesn't. I like incentives. I use a sticker system in the hallway to maintain hallway behavior.  I use a clip system in the classroom as well to monitor behavior. The students who follow directions get a sticker and can clip up and those who don't can clip down. This works for me but where I am lacking is in the actual classroom. I like to have fun with my kids and show them a more soft/funny side of me. The only problem with this is that they take advantage and very quickly might I add. That's when I have to tighten my ship and crack the whip.

The behaviors I am trying to nip in the bud are:

1. calling out to answer
2. not sitting correctly in their chair
3. getting out of their seat to ask a question

My sweet kids always want to come up to me to ask a question. I have tried and tried to correct this behavior but it hasn't seemed to cease. They have gotten better about calling out but it still happens more than I would like. Last but not least, I have 3 students who will not sit correctly to save their lives. What suggestions do you have to correct these behaviors? Maybe there are some videos out there of suggestions or some good websites to check out. Feel free to leave whatever advice you may find below.