Friday, September 22, 2017

Classroom Management

Since I am a fairly new teacher, I have been trying to get my classroom management down to a science. I have tried things and stuck with things but am still trying to get new and useful ideas on classroom management. I've taken the college courses and read all of the books but they are not useful to me. Being in the environment and getting to know your kids is when you see what works and what doesn't. I like incentives. I use a sticker system in the hallway to maintain hallway behavior.  I use a clip system in the classroom as well to monitor behavior. The students who follow directions get a sticker and can clip up and those who don't can clip down. This works for me but where I am lacking is in the actual classroom. I like to have fun with my kids and show them a more soft/funny side of me. The only problem with this is that they take advantage and very quickly might I add. That's when I have to tighten my ship and crack the whip.

The behaviors I am trying to nip in the bud are:

1. calling out to answer
2. not sitting correctly in their chair
3. getting out of their seat to ask a question

My sweet kids always want to come up to me to ask a question. I have tried and tried to correct this behavior but it hasn't seemed to cease. They have gotten better about calling out but it still happens more than I would like. Last but not least, I have 3 students who will not sit correctly to save their lives. What suggestions do you have to correct these behaviors? Maybe there are some videos out there of suggestions or some good websites to check out. Feel free to leave whatever advice you may find below.


  1. Maybe a different incentive, one that is more desired (classical conditioning or maybe Operant depending on the child)? Punishment type 1 and 2 (remove certain treats/add certain negative consequences for improper behaviors, Try a point system for each time you notice he is performing the desired behavior that leads to good consequences or treats)? Have certain disabilities (emotional/behavioral or ADD/ADHD) been ruled out? Maybe you should request the school counselor to give you a second opinion on their classroom behavior.

    1. I've often thought several of my students are ADD/ADHD but that's a hard thing to bring up to parents. I've been told we aren't allowed to bring that up to them but referring them to the counselor might be an option. I've also considered taking things away from them. I used to ask the PE teachers to let them sit out for the first 5 minutes but we are no longer allowed to do that. I'm trying to think of other things to take away at school but there aren't many options in that area. Thanks for your advice Mal!

  2. Classroom management is something that you will work on, adapt, and adjust every year you teach. Each class is different, and so you have to go with it. My advice is simple- if the strategy or behavior management plan isn't working, stop it. Try something new. Don't wait until next year. If you sit your kids down, like in a morning meeting, explain that you are frustrated and you can tell they are too and you want to try something new, they will go with it. They can't read your mind, but they want to please you. So put it out there and try.

    I'm an instructional coach, so I want to plant a seed for you to ponder on for a while. Your 3 nonnegotiables included sitting in the chair correctly. I have seen kids with developmental delays that makes them have weak core muscles. Often the very young kiddos have this problem. Sitting in a chair all day gets to be more than uncomfortable, but painful. Watch those wiggle worms and see if you can find a more comfortable position for them to sit and see if that helps their attention. I know if I sit in a long meeting in a chair that makes my back hurt, I become that wiggle worm.

    You are going to be an amazing teacher. I can tell simply by the fact you want to be. Reflecting and planning ahead or what could be problems areas is a huge step to success in the classroom. :)

    1. I have never thought about it that way Chelsea! Excellent points about them being uncomfortable from sitting all day. I also wiggle in my chair from sitting in meetings. It's so tough when those are the only chairs offered. I'll have to think about other ways for them to sit or maybe have stand up breaks for them to get their wiggles out. Thanks for your excellent advice!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sometimes, depending on the student and their background, students crave attention. This can be hard in a classroom setting because they also want negative attention. While researching this topic, I came across this article:

    I thought it was very informative and helpful. Classroom management is very tricky sometimes and will take time to improve upon. Remember, no teacher is perfect. It sounds like you are doing a great job so far!

    1. Yes Sarah, I have thought about some of them being attention seekers so I try to ignore them or not let them see my getting upset. Just little things I do such as tap them on the shoulder, glance in their direction or walk over to them show them that I want their behavior to stop. Thanks for the advice and the article!
